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Monday, April 11, 2011


Hey y'all....I'm having a dilemma....and since I'm horrible at making decisions....I figured I would get everyones advice. 1. New car.....but have a car payment and full coverage insurance for years. 2. Save and get a used car and have no payment for years to come. Please help me figure out this dilemma!!!


Stephanie F said...

do NOT get a new car! they depreciate so quickly- it's never worth the warranty. definitely get a previously owned one, girl!

Diet Coke and a Lemon said...

Well, even some used cars will have payments. That's my dilemma. I don't really want a payment, so I will have to get a car thats around 7-10 years old.

WannabeRunner said...

I'm in the same boat - i'd REALLY love a new (well new to me) car, but don't want to deal with the monthly payments. :P

Fruit Fly said...

I got a new car in 2008. I was so happy I did. Sure I have payments - but I'm getting closer to being done. I just loved the new car smell and knowing its actual history. I had two used cars before that and they were just constant nightmares and trips to the shop.

Danielle said...

I'm giwth theAlmostRunner on this one. I think it's because we both the the whole Dave Ramsey thing...

Nina said...

We were debating the same thing. To me, it's worth knowing no idiot has messed up the car before me. BUT the payments are a lot more so you shouldn't buy anything that you wouldn't be able to pay for if you lost your job for at least 6 mos. If you don't have the savings for that, then don't do it. You could get yourself in big trouble if something were to happen to your job. I'd say your best option is to find someone you KNOW has taken good care of their car and buy it from them.

Love you girl. You'll figure it out!

Michael said...

If you go used try certified pre-owned. That's what I did last year. You may still have a payment but it will be less, and you will still get a great warranty.

AM! said...

I know this may be a wimpy answer, but whatever YOU decide will be the right choice;-)

Kiley said...


coach dion said...

You want a new used car, so you save a packet of money and still have the balance of warranty. yes you will have payments to make but you will have less or they will be cheeper. Then the question is what is the best 2nd hand car to get? i can't answer that...

maybe you should just run every where...

Stephanie F said...

From your comment on my blog: that is Crystal's kitchen. She's 26 and her husband, kids, and she just moved in about a year ago. Beautiful!

The Hungry Runner Girl said...

USED...I hate having a car payment:( PS your mcdonalds salad from a few posts ago has me drooling....WOW, I need one. Happy Easter gorgeous girl!